Transparency Builds Trust: Online Accountability Portal

February 10, 2023 |

Another way that school districts can be more accountable is to put their expenditures online in an easily accessed, searchable form. 

I believe that permitting the public to view the inner financial workings of a school district helps build trust between the district and the community. 

Across the state and the nation, many school districts post this information online. Sometimes it is merely a monthly spreadsheet. Sometimes it is a searchable portal (sometimes referred to as an “online checkbook”). 

Some states even include school district information on their state accountability portals. 

Missouri has a user friendly, searchable accountability portal, and allows municipalities and counties to participate. That site can be found here:

I am advocating that the Columbia Public Schools put its expenditure information online in user friendly, searchable accountability portal.

Paid for by Vote Paul Harper | Samantha Green, Treasurer
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